CalTech IT Solution Introduce Web Application Development Solutions.

  • CalTech IT Solution Web Application Development Solutions

    CalTech IT Solution’s portfolio includes over 800 finished web development projects. Among them, there are enterprise systems and line-of-business applications (ERP, CRM, order processing, ECM, EHR, PLM, SCM, etc.), which make business processes more efficient and more transparent while automating manual routine. Web portals for collaboration with customers, partners, vendors and other external stakeholders. Online platforms for consulting, storing and processing multimedia files, booking, e-commerce, etc. Our company guarantees to create custom web applications that will be well-aligned with your business and technological policies.


    The way we distribute business logic between a front- and backend is individual for every web app. This flexible approach demands skillful and thorough architecture planning, which eventually helps us achieve the necessary balance in interactivity and stability.

    Frontend Development

    CalTech IT Solution keeps up with the latest trends in front-end development to meet the growing user demands for simplicity and visual appeal. To make web applications not only powerful, but also interactive, intuitive and stylish, we work with a wide range of technologies:

    • Languages and techniques: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery
    • Frameworks :Bootstrap, Foundation, Backbone, AngularJS, EmberJS, ReactJS, MeteorJS

    Backend development

    We define our backend development tools in accordance with our customers’ business requirements and develop robust and durable backends, irrespective of the technologies we use. For convenient further administration, we also offer deployment and customization of a suitable content management system.

    • Languages: PHP, Python, Ruby On Rails(RoR), Java;
    • Frameworks :Rails, Django, Symfony, Zend Framework (for legacy web app maintenance), Laravel, Pyramid, Spring, Express
    • CMSs :Drupal, Pimcore, Wordpress.